Friday, March 23, 2012

The unexplainable feeling

the day before 21st March. i can't sleep at all. i slept like 1 hours plus i guess so. the feeling sucks. the very next day i am going to take my SPM result.

on 21st March, at 10am meet up my friends at old town 1shamelin for breakfast. at last almost everyone showed up. vero came back from NS! haha.. we both talked a lot. :D since we 3 months didn't seen each other. then after that around 11am we went to school. my friend, esther fetched all of us, me, vero, celia, skye, natalie and mei kei. it was so cramped.. hahha :P thanks for the tumpang esther! :))

when we were lining up to take our result. the feeling was like damn NERVOUS!! we were cold at first then later felt anyways congratz to everyone! no matter whatever result you got, life still goes on. SO WHY SAD?!! :D although im kinda jealous to those who got better than me. yes, i did not did very well, but as long its better than my trials :)) okay ,i got 2A 2B+ 2B 2C+ 1D... lol.. nice number :P at first i cant face the fact cause i expected more than 2A. but who cares now! and oh yahh.. at last i passed my addmaths..i got C+!!! hahahah proud of myself.

after taking our result, i and my friends, natalie, mei kei, esther, wen yi, skye went to leisure mall. and we meet up the guys, sze faye, shaun, juan lee and cheng kuan at there. we, the girls went for sing k session but we finished sing k early.. around 3pm i think. then we walked around leisure mall and talked all the way!! :D the guys went to watch john carter.we girls had a great talk. :D as you im a quiet :P but i think that was the first time we really did chit-chat bout life that long. then wen yi went back at 4pm, mei kei went back at 4.30pm. natalie went back 5.30pm. and the rest i not sure :D i went back at 6pm like that.. and oh yah.. natalie u so leng lui sure got a lot of fans one larhh :DD

i realized i after take my pmr and also spm result, i would go out after that. kinda like cheer myself up i guess? hahah.. okay. what is passed it is over! then i went for dinner with family at a korean BBQ place. i forgot where is it but it is not really that far. DAMN DELICIOUS!! i love KOREAN food! <3 the price is reasonable though.

thats all for this post :D

sign off,
24/3/12, 2.20 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Outing with Jaynie

on the 18th of march, jaynie and I went out to times square and sungei wang with only we two for the first time. we both thought it would be bored, but it went out very well. we both enjoyed ourselves. my mom fetched jaynie after tuition at 11am and drop both of us at times square. we both wanted to watch john carter but the timing is kinda late since we need to go back at 5pm.

both of us ate at tepanyaki :D damn delicious but ofcoz not cheap not expensive i guess so.. its worth it. we both chit-chated and talking craps. i ate chicken with rice and jaynie ate seafood with
Spaghetti. i feel like eating somemore.. then later we went to shop for clothes and stuffs.. :D we bought necklaces and bracelet and so on.

we went to sungei wang for sing k session at green box. i remembered the way. lol.. hahahha we both sing kaw kaw. only two person. :D it costs RM12 per person. then after sing k, we continued shop for clothes again.

here are the clothes we both bought.




suppose to be mine but gave jaynie cause black makes me look fat :(

basically we both share clothes... and i have no idea why black makes me look fat and ugly.. lol.. me first time wearing this kind of shirts :D im gonna change my style.. i paid most of it for jaynie. so shes so gonna spend me when we go out together... she owes me a lot of money.. no, she owes her life to me. HAHAHAHAHA

-the end-
19/3/12, 4.30 am
sign off

Monday, March 5, 2012

My own laptop

oh yeah,i bought my lap top last saturday i think so. i forgot what day was that. ACER brand. i finally got my own lap top!!! FYEAHH! :DD its bronze in colour. hahaha.. gonna buy my own headphone someday. :) have to save money then. the worst thing is i dint get my allowance since january. :( lol im poor. officially. i signed up skype too. but dint add anyone yet.. LOL me first time using webcam. this post will be short. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to MUMMY AND PAPA! <3 <3 ... OMG. i realized i forgot say thank you to them in real life.. shyt! nvm, i'll just be a good girl then....


-sign off-

The one that i will never leave

this post will all be about my dear friend, Raveenaa. check out her blog
the first time we met was in friendster. i remember you started chatting to me first.wait, y u suddenly friend with me that time? im not famous or anything also. lucky to know you though. before i friend with you, i thinks that you are a very chi cha poh. hahaha...then one day, u suddenly say u want meet up. so we meet up at martin pudu tuition. we met each other during form3. you were the girl that friends with every teacher. XD i stil remember got one day before tuition starts, we went to pudu plaza and buy sweet. i was so quiet back then. and now we are so freaking close and i talk more already. hahah.. im like that one. if not so close, im quiet aka shy. then after some time, i will be talkative. only my close friends get me :))wait, im out of topic already.paiseh.
this girl is the bestest friend on earth! she's like the sister of mind. :D she LOVE JOE BROOKS ! <3 hes cute. her favourite colour is white. back then, we use to send each other letter. letter bout life... guess what, i forgot where i kept your letters. SO SORRY RAVEENAA. i will find it back :( but i remember the contents in it. im a memory staller. hahaha remember deviline? i dint talk to her since form 2. lol.. if got also only yes,no,bye. shes not meant to be forgiven. shes still like that you know. she did it to one of my friend. WHO THE FUCK she think she is ?!! DAI KOR?? hahaha i thought she changed but fuck it. she's still the same and thank god i din't forgive her last time. im running out of topic again.. za dou
no further words can describe RAVEENAA, the awesomest girl i have ever met! <3.i cant believe we both from different school can get this close. :) 3 years and counting!! your birthday present this year will be the greatest ever! :D seriously we need to hang out man! i want you to see this early. so yeah.

-sign off-
-3/6/12. 2.41AM-

Sunday, February 19, 2012


on the 11th of february.

my family and I went for dinner around genting highland there. the restaurant's dishes were very nice and delicious. yummmyyy!! :P i have nth much to post bout this day actually. but its been years i din't when to genting.. since ermm standard 1?? sedih gilerr. i love the cold and chill air. i walk around with my sis, jaynie and we ate a stall tats sells stick foods :D. it was deliciouss! then later on we went for rounding around until genting there. it was nice and cold. thats all about it! :DD

here are some picturess

-sign off-


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

i woke up at 10 something. got awaken by Raveenaa. she called my hse phone twice :D sorry the first call i din't pick up cause i malas bangun. i know my voice sound so weird on the phone. i slept at 4 something am. then later i reached to times square at 11.40am. while i was waiting for friends i almost fall asleep. XD i know im lame right? raveenaa u should have told the bus conductor that "saya susah ada teman lelaki okay". im so sorry that i suddenly called you that timing, paiseh paiseh. please be more careful next time. then later at 12pm everyone arrived. all are raveenaa, shaun,sze faye , aaron and his friend. then we went to makan at old town and chit chatted. i realized that im kinda quiet :DD aaron, omg! like im still use to it calling you lwj XD. sorry sorry. long time no see weh. anyways hows wong kok yin? :) i still remember when we were in standard 3 weh. those times.hpmh.. at least i still contacted you :D i studied in sbu because of my mum. thats sucks a lot when my mum told me that she want to transfered me to sbu. i was like huh? yerrr..y? :( can you believe that i so long din't talk to nicole? one of my best nicole's in NS now thats all i know. gonna put a full stop here.

oh ya.. and then we all went for sing k section at green box at 2pm. a few minutes before we went in, me and raveenaa see clothes. the clothes that i love but cant fit in. :( black and white nicer then purple :P wait till i get fit i will definitely wear that. when can we go shopping together? aiyo that time i ajak you, you pulak working. ehh, my mum asked me to buy college clothes. so yeah, im gonna take this opportunity :D okok. i run out of topic again. :D

then we check in. our room number is 19. i din't know that green box changed to touch screen? wow! niceeee... green is favourite colouurrr... :DDD we sang from 2pm till 5pm. when we not yet even ended, my mum came sharp 5pm. lol.. i asked my mum to fetch my siblings first she said not on the way. mum called me three times but luckily i din't kena nag. when i came into the car i was surprised cause i din't saw my bro and i din't know that my sis stayed back too. then when we reached at school and i called my sis hp. she said fetch her at 1shamelin. im like what the fuck. then my mum started scolding them. my sis seriously dumbass lorh. u want bring shawn go ponteng also guna otak lah. some more ask my mum to fetch at 1shamelin. LOL and blablabla.

and my mum cooked poridge for dinner. aiyo, y poridge? i told my mum " just because i not at home to cook, you so lazy already lah. " :DD yes, raveenaa, i everyday cook dinner for my family. let me see when is the time i can cook for you okayy? i seriously can't wait for my new house.
oh ya. if u want to comment please leave a comment. or you can comment at my facebook. cause im kinda stucked. i forgot how to use blog.

-Sarah C-

back to blog again

hey, Sarah's here. im back to blog again after my friend , Raveenaa convinced me. what should i be talking about in this post? hmphh...i have not been blogging since 2010 ? sad case ryte? cause my life was so boring i guess? even now my life still sucks a lot. y cant i have a fun life? i see certain people enjoys their life.. like going overseas and so on. while i am stucked at home rotting. this is so sad :( parents don't allow me to work or going out with friends too often. what am i suppose to do then? my friends can work and earn their own money. i want to earn my own money okayyyy. fine whatever dad! i respest you! i use your money you don't complain i pai kia or whatever. im seriously gonna express everything here. and thats y i also decided to blog again.

-the end for now- :D