Wednesday, February 15, 2012

back to blog again

hey, Sarah's here. im back to blog again after my friend , Raveenaa convinced me. what should i be talking about in this post? hmphh...i have not been blogging since 2010 ? sad case ryte? cause my life was so boring i guess? even now my life still sucks a lot. y cant i have a fun life? i see certain people enjoys their life.. like going overseas and so on. while i am stucked at home rotting. this is so sad :( parents don't allow me to work or going out with friends too often. what am i suppose to do then? my friends can work and earn their own money. i want to earn my own money okayyyy. fine whatever dad! i respest you! i use your money you don't complain i pai kia or whatever. im seriously gonna express everything here. and thats y i also decided to blog again.

-the end for now- :D


  1. Hello Sarah. Raveenaa here. I am glad I finallly convinced you here :D *PROUDS* Nah, you're not a pai kia :D You're a ho kia ;D It is 08:46a.m. I am awake. Blogging :)

  2. I am looking to see more blogging of you in the future.^^

  3. raveenaa. aww. thank you. lol. wait i posted another post but scheduled so long one?

    szefaye- haha no prob
