Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

i woke up at 10 something. got awaken by Raveenaa. she called my hse phone twice :D sorry the first call i din't pick up cause i malas bangun. i know my voice sound so weird on the phone. i slept at 4 something am. then later i reached to times square at 11.40am. while i was waiting for friends i almost fall asleep. XD i know im lame right? raveenaa u should have told the bus conductor that "saya susah ada teman lelaki okay". im so sorry that i suddenly called you that timing, paiseh paiseh. please be more careful next time. then later at 12pm everyone arrived. all are raveenaa, shaun,sze faye , aaron and his friend. then we went to makan at old town and chit chatted. i realized that im kinda quiet :DD aaron, omg! like im still use to it calling you lwj XD. sorry sorry. long time no see weh. anyways hows wong kok yin? :) i still remember when we were in standard 3 weh. those times.hpmh.. at least i still contacted you :D i studied in sbu because of my mum. thats sucks a lot when my mum told me that she want to transfered me to sbu. i was like huh? yerrr..y? :( can you believe that i so long din't talk to nicole? one of my best nicole's in NS now thats all i know. gonna put a full stop here.

oh ya.. and then we all went for sing k section at green box at 2pm. a few minutes before we went in, me and raveenaa see clothes. the clothes that i love but cant fit in. :( black and white nicer then purple :P wait till i get fit i will definitely wear that. when can we go shopping together? aiyo that time i ajak you, you pulak working. ehh, my mum asked me to buy college clothes. so yeah, im gonna take this opportunity :D okok. i run out of topic again. :D

then we check in. our room number is 19. i din't know that green box changed to touch screen? wow! niceeee... green is favourite colouurrr... :DDD we sang from 2pm till 5pm. when we not yet even ended, my mum came sharp 5pm. lol.. i asked my mum to fetch my siblings first she said not on the way. mum called me three times but luckily i din't kena nag. when i came into the car i was surprised cause i din't saw my bro and i din't know that my sis stayed back too. then when we reached at school and i called my sis hp. she said fetch her at 1shamelin. im like what the fuck. then my mum started scolding them. my sis seriously dumbass lorh. u want bring shawn go ponteng also guna otak lah. some more ask my mum to fetch at 1shamelin. LOL and blablabla.

and my mum cooked poridge for dinner. aiyo, y poridge? i told my mum " just because i not at home to cook, you so lazy already lah. " :DD yes, raveenaa, i everyday cook dinner for my family. let me see when is the time i can cook for you okayy? i seriously can't wait for my new house.
oh ya. if u want to comment please leave a comment. or you can comment at my facebook. cause im kinda stucked. i forgot how to use blog.

-Sarah C-

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